What a fantastic day of networking at re:Invent! Connecting with professionals from diverse backgrounds and industries has been incredibly enriching. Though initially daunting, I ended up looking forward to this adventure daily. These conversations are not just about business; they’re about building meaningful connections that transcend the conference walls.

🏃 Morning Triumph
Kicked off the day conquering a tough 5Km run, channeling that winning the morning energy into every endeavour. A run for a charitable cause — a reminder to give back. I posted something about this special run which taught me the resilience and tenacity I exhibit. Later the following day I had lunch with Boen Floyd I had met and gained insights into his wealth of experience in the tech space. 🏆

🔧 Engineering Mastery at the AWS Village
Leveled up my engineering game by hanging out in the AWS Village! I connected with engineers working on interesting solutions to problems using AWS. From FinTech, to big data to Extract Load and Transform (ETL) processes with data lakes.
I got first hand insights to updates added to the Aurora Global database to increase its performance and redundancy across multiple regions. l interacted with engineers in the automotive industry revolutionarising vehicle problem diagnosis, vehicle telematics, performance tuning and data driven decision making through data collected using embedded IoT devices. I also met Mukit Momin – an enthusiastic gentleman pushing possibilities by architecting and building with generative AI at AWS.
Got a deep dive into how security is being embedded in emails through DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC), and Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records – which in conjunction work to ensure authenticity of the sender & reduce phishing cyber attacks.

💡 Soft Skills
Levelled up on navigating the cloud with Amazon Web Services Leadership Principles, embracing Day 1 thinking. Innovate, Simplify, Deliver Results. Thriving in the cloud by upholding customer obsession, ownership, and a culture of constant reinvention. These can extend to other industries and aspects of life. more can be found here: https://lnkd.in/gqxfDDhA

🤝 Day 3 was brimming with networking opportunities, fostering meaningful connections with professionals across the tech landscape. Inspired to contribute back by joining community builders and returning as a mentor. Watch this space. By the end of the day I had done 21km worth of walking. I guess I can now call myself a big stepper. Every moment at hashtag#AWSreInvent was a stride towards becoming a better engineer in this incredible journey. Keep eyes peeled for the day 4 grand finale. 🚀 hashtag#AWSAdventures hashtag#Networking hashtag#awsreinvent2023

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